For the acquaintances who casually ask, “What are you investing in these days?”
And when I tell them to do a few minutes of work on so and so names…
Proceed to tell me that they will just invest in the S&P — this is what I have to say.
I wrote all these pieces so I won’t be forced to have hour-long discussions with you on this subject.
Philo 🦉
The first ever mindset piece on Philoinvestor. A very good basic foundation on markets and investing in securities.
People have a very flawed view of the stock market as it relates to risk. They think the “stock market” is one unified thing, but that notion breeds a lot of confusion.
This is a note to all passive evangelists from me.
An interview on investing with first principles. And how following the current narrative can hurt your pocket.
The second “Rufus” piece, warning about Big Tech and potential future fragilities that could cause issues for many of these loved Mega Cap technology stocks. In their attempt to go for the safe bet, investors sometimes make risky bets.
Today I will be interviewed by Brandon Beylo of the Value Hive podcast. I will send out the podcast link once it’s published.